Chilenska fåglarAllaChile Pingüino de Magallanes | Magellanic Penguin | Spheniscus magellanicusChile, Penguins Pingüino de Humboldt | Humboldt Penguin | Spheniscus humboldtiChile, Penguins Petrel gigantico subantártico | Northern Giant Petrel | Macronectes halliChile, Albatrosses and others Albatros de ceja negra | Black-browed Albatross | Thalassarche melanophrisChile, Albatrosses and others Albatros de Buller | Buller´s Albatross | Thalassarche bulleri bulleriChile, Albatrosses and others Fardela de Nueva Zelanda | Westland Petrel | Procellaria westlandicaChile, Albatrosses and others Fardela negra grande | White-chinned Petrel | Procellaria aequinoctialisChile, Albatrosses and others Fardela blanca de Juan Fernández | Juan Fernandez Petrel | Pterodroma externaChile, Albatrosses and others Golondrina de mar | Wilson´s Storm-Petrel | Oceanites oceanicusChile, Albatrosses and others Yunco | Peruvian Diving Petrel | Pelecanoides garnotiChile, Albatrosses and others Pidén | Plumbeous Rail | Pardirallus sanguinolentusChile, Ducks and others Tagua de frente rioja | Red-fronted Coot | Fulica rufifronsChile, Ducks and others Huala | Great Grebe | Podiceps majorChile, Ducks and others Picurio | Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus PodicepsChile, Ducks and others Blanquillo | Southern Silvery Grebe | Podiceps occipitalisChile, Ducks and others Pato jergón chico | Yellow-billed Teal | Anas flavirostrisChile, Ducks and others Pato cuchara | Red shoveler | Spatula plataleaChile, Ducks and others Quetro no volador | Magellanic Steamerduck | Tachyeres pteneresChile, Ducks and others Caranca | Kelp Goose | Chloephaga hybridaChile, Ducks and others Pato rana de pico delgado | Lake Duck | Oxyura vittataChile, Ducks and others Pato real | Chiloe Wigeon | Mareca sibilatrixChile, Ducks and others Cisne coscoroba | Coscoroba Swan | Coscoroba coscorobaChile, Swans Churrete | Dark-bellied Cinclodes | Cinclodes patagonicusChile, Hummingbirds and others Chucao | Chucao Tapaculo | Scelorchilus rubeculaChile, Hummingbirds and others Hued-hued del Sur | Black-throated Huet-huet | Pteroptochos tarniiChile, Hummingbirds and others Mero | Great Shrike-Tyrant | Agriornis lividusChile, Hummingbirds and others Siete colores | Many-coloured Rush-Tyrant | Tachuris rubrigastraChile, Hummingbirds and others Bandurria | Black-faced Ibis | Theristicus melanopisChile, Ibises Garza cuca | Cocoi Heron | Ardea cocoiChile, Egrets Lile | Red-legged Cormorant | Phalacrocorax gaimardiChile, Cormorants Cormorán de las Rocas | Magellanic Cormorant | Phalacrocorax magellanicusChile, Cormorants Cormorán imperial | Imperial Cormorant | Phalacrocorax atricepsChile, Cormorants Rayador | Black Skimmer | Rychops nigerChile, Terns Gaviotin sudamericano | South American Tern | Sterna hirundinaceaChile, Terns Bailarín Chico | Correndera Pipit | Anthus correnderaChile, Thrushes and others Colegial | Austral Negrito | Lessonia rufaChile, Hummingbirds and others Chorlo chileno | Rufuos-chested Dotterel | Charadrius modestusChile, Oystercatchers and others Chorlo de collar | Collared plover | Charadrius collarisChile, Oystercatchers and others Playero blanco | Sanderling | Calidris albaChile, Oystercatchers and others Pitotoy chico | Lesser yellowlegs | Tringa flavipesChile, Oystercatchers and others Pitotoy Grande | Greater Yellowlegs | Tringa MelanoleucaChile, Oystercatchers and others Zarapito pico recto | Hudsonian Godwit | Limosa haemasticaChile, Oystercatchers and others Playero vuelvepiedras | Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpresChile, Oystercatchers and others Playero de las rompientes | Surfbird | Calidris virgataChile, Oystercatchers and others Carpinterito | Striped Woodpecker | Veniliornis lignariusChile, Woodpeckers and others Comesebo Grande | White-throated Treerunner | Pygarrhichas albogularisChile, Woodpeckers and others Martín Pescador | Ringed Kingfisher | Ceryle torquataChile, Woodpeckers and others Peuco | Harris´s Hawk | Parabuteo unicinctusChile, Raptors Traro | Southern Caracara | Caracara plancusChile, Raptors Jote de Cabeza colorada | Turkey Vulture | Cathartes auraChile, Vultures Aguilucho | Variable Hawk | Geranoaetus polysomaChile, Raptors Cuervo de pantano | White-faced Ibis | Plegadis chihiChile, Ibises Cóndor | Andean Condor | Vultur gryphusAndean condor Tagua chica | White-winged Coot | Fulica leucopteraChile, Ducks and others Tagua común | Red-gartered Coot | Fulica armillataChile, Ducks and others Golondrina chilena | Chilean Swallow | Tachycineta LeucopygaChile, Swallows Zorzal | Austral Thrush | Turdus falcklandiiChile, Thrushes and others Jilguero | Black-chinned Siskin | Carduelis barbatusChile, Thrushes and others Rara | Rufous-tailed Plantcutter | Phytotoma raraChile, Meadowlarks and others Pilpilén negro | Blackish Oystercatcher | Haematopus aterChile, Oystercatchers and others Pilpilén | American Oystercatcher | Haematopus palliatusChile, Oystercatchers and others Zarapito (Perdiz de Mar) | Whimbrel (Hudsonian Whimbrel) | Numenius phaeopus hudsonicusOystercatchers and others Queltehue | Southern Lapwing | Vanellus chilensisChile, Oystercatchers and others Perrito | Black-necked Stilt | Himantopus mexicanusChile, Oystercatchers and others Codorniz | California Quail | Callipepla californicaChile, California Quail Picaflor chico | Green-backed Firecrown | Sephanoides sephaniodesChile, Hummingbirds and others Picaflor gigante | Giant Hummingbird | Patagonas gigasChile, Hummingbirds and others Churrete costero | Chilean Seaside Cinclodes | Cinclodes nigrofumosusChile, Hummingbirds and others Rayadito | Thorn-tailed Rayadito | Aphrastura spinicaudaChile, Hummingbirds and others Tijeral | Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail | Leptasthenura aegithaloidesChile, Hummingbirds and others Dormilona de nuca rojiza | Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola rufivertexChile, Hummingbirds and others Viudita (Peutrén) | Patagonian Tyrant | Coloramphus parvirostrisChile, Hummingbirds and others Diucón | Fire-eyed Diucon | Xolmis pyropeChile, Hummingbirds and others Fío-fío | White-crested Elaenia | Elaenia albicepsChile, Hummingbirds and others Cachudito | Tufted Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes parulusChile, Hummingbirds and others Cotorra | Monk Parakeet | Myiopsitta monachusChile, Woodpeckers and others Tortolita cuyana | Picui Ground-Dove | Columbina picuiChile, Doves Paloma de alas blancas | Pacific (West Peruvian) Dove | Zenaida melodaDoves Tórtola | Eared Dove | Zenaida auriculataChile, Doves Gaviotin monja | Inca Tern | Larosterna incaChile, Terns Gaviotín piquerito | Snowy-crowned Tern | Sterna trudeauiChile, Terns Gaviota cahuil | Brown-hooded Gull | Chroicocephalus maculipennisChile, Gulls Gaviota de Franklin | Franklin´s Gull | Larus pipixcanChile, Gulls Gaviota garuma | Grey Gull | Leucophaeus modestusChile, Gulls Gaviota dominicana | Kelp Gull | Larus dominicanusGulls Pato gargantillo | White-cheeked Pintail | Anas bahamensisChile, Ducks and others Pato jergón grande | Yellow-billed Pintail | Anas georgicaChile, Ducks and others Cisne de cuello negro | Black-necked Swan | Cygnus melancoryphusChile, Swans Tenca | Chilean Mockingbird | Mimus thencaChile, Chilean mockingbird Gorrión | House Sparrow | Passer domesticusChile, Sparrows Chincol | Rufous-collared Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensisChile, Sparrows Diuca | Common Diuca-Finch | Diuca diucaChile, Finches Pájaro plomo | Plumbeous Sierra-Finch | Phrygilus unicolorFinches Cometocino de Gay | Grey-hooded Sierra-Finch | Phygilus gayiChile, Finches Loica | Long-tailed Meadowlark | Leistes loycaChile, Meadowlarks and others Mirlo | Shiny Cowbird | Molothrus bonariensisChile, Blackbirds Trile | Yellow-winged Blackbird | Agelasticus thiliusChile, Meadowlarks and others Tordo | Austral Blackbird | Curaeus curaeusChile, Blackbirds Chercán | House Wren | Troglodytes aedonChile, Thrushes and others Cernicalo | American Kestrel | Falco sparveriusChile, Raptors Tiuque | Chimango Caracara | Milvago chimangoChile, Raptors Aguila | Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle | Geranoaetus melanoleucusChile, Raptors Pimpollo | White-tufted Grebe | Rollandia rollandChile, Ducks and others Piquero | Peruvian Booby | Sula variegataChile, Albatrosses and others Yeco | Neotropic Cormorant | Phalacrocorax brasilianusChile, Cormorants Guanay | Guanay Cormorant | Phalacrocorax bougainvilliiorumChile, Cormorants Garza grande | Great Egret | Ardea albaChile, Egrets Garza Chica | Snowy Egret | Egretta thulaChile, Egrets Garza Boyera | Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibisChile, Egrets Tricahue | Burrowing Parrot (Parakeet) | Cyanoliseus patagonusChile, Hummingbirds and others Pelícano | Peruvian Pelican | Pelecanus thagusChile, Albatrosses and others Jote de cabeza negra | Black Vulture | Coragyps atratusChile, Vultures